User experience is a key factor when you have created an app and want it to be a success. The way you treat the visitors on your app is a vital success factor. Many users stop using an app because of its poor performance. UserExperior’s user session replay demonstrates all user activities in your app and why your app has failed to meet users’ requirements.
When your app has a poor UX, visitors will leave the app immediately without going to another page. When the users don’t get what they expect, they will abandon your app, This is how UX will raise the bounce rate. A high bounce rate does not predict a poor UX, but a poor UX certainly causes a high bounce rate.
To improve the user experience of your app alongside reduce its bounce rate, you must follow these 5 guidelines below:
1. Enhance app load time
In case you have poor session duration, low conversion rate and high bounce rate, app speed is the element you need to check. Users will leave your app if they find your app page loading time slow, they have tons of other options waiting for your app is just something they won’t do. A meger 27% of visitors don’t leave an app even if it has poor load speed and they are promising, loyal clients. Boosting load time has a crucial effect on user experience. To get a detailed analysis of the speed issues of each app page, use a Heatmap tool.
2. Pay heed to visual design
The visual design concentrates on an app’s aesthetics and its associated elements by methodically applying appropriate fonts, colors, images and other elements. Sometimes, app designers prioritize usability and visual design gets overlooked. Work on improving your app’s visual design by maintaining consistency on the app pages,
3. Target the right audience
Targeting the wrong audience is often the primary reason behind a high bounce rate. The way users find your app is known as a campaign in the world of analytics. When you set up your android or iOS app analytics properly, you can precisely pinpoint where and how users discovered your app. This can precisely say what is wrong with how you are marketing your application.
4. Consider real user monitoring
User behavior incorporates the journey within your app, page scroll and interaction with app elements, clicks, purchases and others. App analytics will help you in real user monitoring to understand the user behavior of your app. Optimizing your app after assessing user behavior will help you improve the user experience on your app.
5. Use a heatmap analytics tool
Analyzing user behavior of your app helps you optimize the experience depending on their real feedback. Use UserExperior’s heatmap analytics tool to analyze the user journey on your app and understand why people have abandoned your app for a reason and how you can keep them engaged.
Improving UX and reducing the bounce rate doesn’t end here. UX improvement is a constant procedure. The 5 ways discussed in this blog cover only the basics. You still have to go a long way. UserExperior’s app crash recording is an incredible feature to help you keep enhancing UX. Tweak different app elements and experience its amazing impact on bounce rate, conversions, and other metrics.
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