Is UserExperior a Firebase Alternative? For Android & iOS App Analytics

Developing an app in 2020? Then you require a roadmap. If you want it to succeed, you should certainly track its progress. As more applications are available, the competition becomes tougher for each click, tap, download, and share. This competition has also brought some great tools along with it. A heatmap tool is a vital part of every successful application. But which one will you choose between UserExperior and Firebase? This blog will discuss the same!

UserExperior vs. Firebase

UserExperior is a qualitative analytics tool which monitors and provides visibility of your users digital experience. Where as Firebase is a quantitative analytics tool which provides numbers about your app usage. Firebase will provide details like number of active users, number of users who registered or number of users which dropped out from the funnel. It does not tell WHY users have dropped out or WHY are users not registering. To get the answers to the WHY you would need a qualitative analytics tool.

UserExperior is one of the leading qualitative analytics tool which provides answers to WHY behind your users actions using touch heatmaps and mobile session replay in addition to the detailed monitoring of exceptions, errors and challenges faced by the end user while using the app. It also helps in revealing the UI-UX challenges through heatmap analytics which impact the usability of the app causing the users to drop out without completing the transaction.

UserExperior provides with these features:

  • Mobile app heatmap – Using UserExperior’s heatmap analytics software, you can boost user experience by addressing and resolving the UI & UX problems experienced by app users.
  • User recordingsOur mobile video session replay permits you to view to monitor real users and troubleshoot app issues if there is any.
  • App crash recordingThis feature helps you see where app crashes have occurred and how to debug the issue.
  • User journey analytics – We offer a complete understanding of user journey analytics to view the entire user journey in your app. You can view how all users visit your app and why they leave your app without buying anything.
  • User analysis – This feature helps you assess your users and get the complete story of user activities in your app.
  • Real-time UX analytics – Our UX analytics tool tracks and captures real-time events and user gestures and you can get a combined Android and iOS app analytics on one dashboard.

In order to get a clear visibility of your users experience you need both Qualitative analytics as well as Quantitative analytics tool. Through Firebase you will come to know the usage of your app and UserExperior will provide you answers behind your users actions.

So we can conclude by saying that UserExperior is not an alternative but a great complement to Firebase and you can use both of them in parallel.

If you need to know more then setup a demo.
